Saturday, July 20, 2013

The last week on 1st Street

Tomorrow morning we will load up close to 30 teens and drive to camp in northern Michigan. That makes today our LAST day in this house. When we get home next Saturday night {late} we'll get our last night of sleep and then move out the next day. Crazy. My heart remains heavy about much of the detail of closing, etc. but ultimately we are eager to see what the Lord will do. We've already seen His goodness to us in so many little ways even this week.

For example, the sweet corn truck gave us 2 extra ears FREE yesterday. If you know what a big deal Iowa sweet corn is... that was HUGE for us. :)

1st Street was our first home and while we are excited to start a new adventure - my nostalgic heart has been a little sad a few times this week as we pack up the last of it. This is where our children learned to walk, where we led our first few youth bible studies of this ministry, where I was SO sick and the Lord restored me. Many, many memories.

This old house. It's been a blessing and a big chapter of our lives. 
Blessed be the name of the Lord! 

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