Saturday, August 24, 2013

Saturday Catch-Up

Weekends. {sigh} Aren't they such a blessing? We are having a laid back Saturday here and I'm loving every second of it. I have my cup of Snickeroo coffee, the girls are watching "Seven brides for seven brothers" in the other room and I have The Pioneer Woman on the TV in the room I'm sitting in. (note: the family we are staying with has tons of space...we are enjoying speading out) Add to that - I'm working on gathering Christmas ideas on Pinterest. Ah, what a Saturday.

So, what's been new here with us? Well, we had our youth kickoff on Wednesday night complete with Laser Tag and a cookout. We had around 80 some students and leaders! Praising the Lord for a great start to our school year and Fall. Sometime I'll take more - but for now, here's a peek at our newly renovated/painted/decorated youth room. :)

Leaders in Laser Tag training!
For our family day yesterday we took the girls to "The Bass Pro Shop" for some cheap family fun. Now, that might seem a little strange a location... I blame my 4 year old. She LOVES that place. Note that neither Momma nor Daddy are hunters/fishers/etc. She just loves the aquarium, hunting game and FREE fudge samples. So, maybe I have rubbed off on her - I love her hunt for FREE fun. :)

Our splurge of honey roasted cashews :)

Life. It's a gift. Even during these semi-stressful days of waiting for our home to be open for us to move in - We see the hand of God working in our lives. An extra blessing to us this week was to find an envelope with our name on it and inside was a 3x5 index card that read "Go on an anniversary date please", with cash included. Seriously?! Isn't that just the stuff of stories or things we'll tell our grandchildren someday? I'm so thankful for the people around us who love us and show it.

The last report we heard on our home was that we may not be able to get in until the end of Sept. As you can imagine, it's not ideal, but we will wait and trust and keep asking the Lord that His will be done. In the meantime, we are so thankful for family who lets us bunk up with them! There are blessings everywhere if we are willing to see them! 

Happy Saturday wherever you are, thanks for checking in. 

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