Tonight we'll be working through another chapter of the book. And I'll tell you - it was a GOOD one. I'd like to share something with you - a question posed by the author. It's stuck on my brain and has been there for a few days now. I'm challenged, I'm convicted, I have to share. Because I really do see how this is KEY in marriages. Here it is...
"What, then, would the effect be if we were to dive even more deeply into Jesus's teaching and life and works? What if we were to be so immersed in his promises and summonses, his counsels and encouragements, that they dominated our inner life, capturing our imagination, and simply bubbled out spontaneously when we faced some challenge? How would we live if we instinctively, almost unconciously, knew Jesus' mind and heart regarding things that confronted us? When you received criticism, you would never be crushed, because Jesus' love and acceptance of you is so deeply "in there". When you gave criticism, you would be gentle and patient, because your whole inner world would be saturated by a sense of Jesus' loving patience and gentleness with you."
And this, Friends, is right where I am. I needed to be met in this place this week. Reminded that saturation in God and His word are powerful and life-sustaining, really. It changes how I love and respect my husband {or not}, it impacts my relationship with my children, even how I lead teenage girls in our ministry and the relationships I'm building with friends. Oh, how I want to be, like the author says, "instinctively, almost unconsciously" knowing Jesus mind and heart.
I think our date night discussion will be a pretty good one. :)
How are your marriages holding up? What creative things are you doing to better and improve them? I'm still working on my "Date nite" jar - found a $5 bill in the wash the other day, so our fund is building! I'm thinking we can do chinese takeout here soon! A special meal for my special man :)
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