Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Homemaker Monday!!!

You know that old Amy Grant Song, "Angels watchin' over me".... yea, we had a few of those moments last week. My 9 month old took a tumble down our basement stairs :( Praise God I had a mound of dirty clothes at the bottom and she only got a small bruise above her left eyebrow. Could have been MUCH.WORSE. But now that song is just on my brain... so, if you need an old school Amy Grant moment click here. :) Added bonus, the 80's technology. It will blow your mind :)

Anyway... Happy Monday fellow Homemakers! I'll admit, this momma is draaaaging this morning. The good news is - after a weekend of ministry in our home, the house is pretty much clean, so it feels so low pressure around here. Ok, let's get to it!

The weather::: It was a high of 16 lastnight! :) Today will be in the 40's again... still the weirdest winter I've experienced by far. Snow one day, 60's the next, rain the next, freezing again the next... My poor tulips are confused and have started coming up. Is that normal!?

On my reading pile::: "The Meaning of Marriage", "Made to Crave", and... had to plug the ol' Nook in to charge it up so I could finish "Jo's Boys" this week!

On my TV::: TV is off today.

On the menu for this week:::

Monday - Going to Zombie Burger for dinner tonight with a friend :) Weird decor, but great food!

Tuesday - Pesto Chicken Penne

Wednesday - Let's be honest...probably PB&J. Ministry night and crazy busy. We watched the movie "Supersize Me" and may never do fastfood again. {ugh} Which was our usual Weds. night before church special :)

Thursday -Chicken Potpie & cheddar biscuits

Friday - Beef & Tater Bake

Saturday - Southwest Pork & Pasta

Sunday - Leftovers :) - the pork/pasta dishes serves 10! And we def only have 3 eating!

On my to do list::: Laundry day! Upstairs bedrooms, reload dishwasher, FIND SPRING DECOR

What I am sewing, crocheting, knitting or creating::: Didn't get my baby blanket done in time for the shower this weekend. BUT started on the next color :) Yay for some progress!

In Homeschooling::: My oldest child is 3 {just turned} so we aren't doing school yet. BUT, started thinking through some ideas and will start research on curriculum, etc. soon!

Looking around the house:::
Clean! Had a "Sprinkle" for my friend who is prego with baby boy #4 this past weekend. I still have the decor fresh! Lemons and limes and lots of yellow and white. Makes me want Spring... NOW!

From the camera:::
There is nothing more beautiful, I think, then a prego lady! My dear friend Brooke at her "Sprinkle" this weekend. :) Loved hosting in my home and getting to shower her with love and "refreshment".

Something fun to share::: Uhhh...feeling a little lame. Nothing fun to share today :/

On my prayer list::: Teens walking away from the Lord... Youth ministry in general... Friend visiting this week, praying for a great visit!

Bible verse, Devotional::: Really encouraged by Zeph. 3:17. When life seems nuts and confusing and I feel like I'm just a whirlwind... I'm rejoiced over. I'm REJOICED OVER!

"The Lord your God is with you. He is a hero who saves you. He happily rejoices over you, renews you with his love, and celebrates over you with shouts of joy. "


Angie said...

This weather is almost scary. We had a tornado outbreak Friday ( not normal ), we have 3 inches of snow today and we are supposed to have 60 degree weather tomorrow. It is too odd.

Jill said...

Mandi, I linked up to the Happy Homemaker Monday. I had a couple snags trying to use her picture like you have, but tweaked it. Anyway, it was fun! Thanks for the link and have a wonderful week!

Sandra said...

The weather is all over the place, it's just so weird isn't it?

I LOVE the sound of Zombie Burger place LOL I wish they had one here in our area, my hubby and daughter would be thrilled.