I've taken a few days away from the blogger world 1) because I was literally an emotional basket case over this whole death situation... 2) I've been battling with negativity and had nothing positive or helpful to share... 3) well, I can't remember what was three was. Anyway, NUFF of that - {and please don't think I only read positive, sugar sweet blog posts... if you've read any of my blog you know that!} today I would like to share a few "Happy Thoughts" with you. Things that have brought j
oy to my days during some hard times.
Here is my girl and her new obsession - taking care of "babies". Because she is soooo grown up now. {wink, wink} When I worked in the nursery two weeks ago, she came with me and helped take care of some adorable twin brothers. She read to them for quite a while... nevermind that they weren't paying attention for the most part. She melts me. Times like these remind me just how much she IS watching me. Where else did she learn to "Share" her book like this?!
Also... I love coming downstairs and seeing these two playing so w
ell together. She adores daddy, and apparently, the laundry basket. These two make me very happy. I love learning life with them. I love having just the three of us home together at night. I love snowy nights where everything is cancelled and we end up playing with a laundry-basket-filled with-baby for an hour :) (and it doesn't get old)
Remember that $3 vase I found at TJ MAXX last week? Well, I found something to p
Before you think I'm totally materialistic and I only find my joy in stuff (which, let's admit, there is joy in those things...just not lasting joy)...let me share my last two "springs" of joy l
ately. They come in the form of God's word/bible study books. My friend, Jessie, has been working through "Idols of The Heart" with me, by Elyse Fitzpatrick. The subtitle is "learning to long for God alone"....wow. We are only on chapter 3 - but the first two chapters have already been super convicting and just really good, deep, thoughts. I know in my life I seem to long for everything else - even service to my God - rather then my God. Does that make sense?! That's what we worked on this morning... something I've heard called, "the Martha syndrome", getting so caught up in the actions of serving/worship and not stopping to actually BE WITH God. We also talked about things that can "split" our love....kids, hubby, home, etc. I have so much to learn and am so thankful for a friend who is walking through this book with me. Although only on Ch. 3 - I totally recommend it. And, would def say...go through it with a friend. I'm learning even more from hearing another "Sisters" point of view, that I would not have gotten by just reading it alone.
Book #2 is - "Redefining Beautiful" by Jenna Lucado. This book is written for teen girls and comes from the angle of viewing God the way you do due to how you view your earthly daddy. It's a cute read so far. She's not super deep, but, I'm thinking its okay and maybe even aimed at jr high age - rather then her target of older girls. ??? I'm considering it as a bible study for our girls at church. She goes through lots of topics about beauty, fashion, how we treat people, family, etc. It all circles back to our walk with the Lord...or lack thereof. I'm enjoying it - and it's taking me back, let me tell you! Right now I'm on the chapter about character qualities...something I feel SO STRONGLY about for teen girls! Our culture is so anti-character, at least, Godly character. Jenna is a smooth, easy to read, author and her dad (Max) has several inserts which are enjoyable, as well. Anyone else read this?! I'd love your thoughts.
Happy thoughts on this Tuesday. We have so much to be thankful for! Little, everyday, mundane, exciting things! And maybe most of all, this...
Hebrews 10-
"11 And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, 13 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. 14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified. 15 But the Holy Spirit also witnesses to us; for after He had said before, 16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,”17 then He adds, “Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.”18 Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin."
Idols of the heart is SUCH a good book, that vase is ADORABLE, is that paint I see on your walls? It looks good :) And I'm excited for our playdate! Are we still on for Thursday?
Love the sensy-whatever thing! I've been thinking about getting one of those things...
And Ava- that is so cute that she was reading to the "babies"! When she was in infant nursery, a couple of us commented on what a little mother she was to the younger ones! :)
I've been missing your posts. :-) It was good to catch up with you. And I can understand that feeling.
The daisies are adorable, my favorite flower, and the gift sounds like one Dustin would love! Have a super happy Valentines!
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