Saturday, May 12, 2012

The Countdown

So it's May 12th and I have a count down going on internally.
My baby turns 1 next week. {sniff, sniff}
We have graduations, open houses and parties all this weekend and the next two to follow.
I am done babysitting full time in 8 days.
We will travel to Ohio at the end of the month.

Wow. While this time of the year seems to slow down for so many, it sure picks up in speed for this family. The count down is on to end so many things - but, at the same time, begin new things.
My hubby leaves for Haiti with our teen mission team in a month-ish.
We have vacation bible school coming up at church.
We'll head to Michigan to take our teens to camp and a week of family vacation.

Something I've been learning A LOT lately is that flexibility and good attitudes are so helpful when things are crazy busy. I've been convicted and shown several times that when Momma is grumpy and whiny about things - the kids will be too! It's amazing to me how the Lord uses my children to continually teach me things. Things you'd think I'd already have learned over these last 29 years!

Ah, countdowns.
What are you counting down in your home? Anything exciting coming up?

1 comment:

The Sneaky Mommy said...

The countdown to cRaZy is on here too! It's actually never not been crazy, but we're just throwing in no-routine-school's-out chaos! Life seems to move faster all the time! I totally understand trying to hit the brakes and savor every minute before the next milestone! Why is it that I'm always drawn to thinking a pedicure with my girl would be the fix for that? ;)
Thanks for being so real here! You are a huge encouragement to me! Big XOXOXO (because it seems natural to post on a blog)