This poor ol' desktop computer is on it's last leg (again) I believe. Let's see if we can make it through this little post... a technological miracle :) Happy Midweek to you wherever you are! Here in Iowa it's snowing and sunshiney at the same time. Bizarre. The weather here is not only unpredictable, but, just strange.
poor christmas tree.. one day we will burn you. :) |
But we can't and won't complain today as we snuggle in for a warm day with the fireplace on. I have been missing this whole blogging thing lately, but the busy days and tired nights haven't lended any extra time. And all the busy moms say amen. :) Things are going well here in our home as we prep for the end of January {already?!}and gear up for a VERY busy Spring time. Not to mention the last few months before this new baby arrives. {gulp}
Some bullet point updates will work best, shall we?
- Appliances. Who needs them!? Ok, maybe us. I think we are just a few short months away from needing to replace our above the stove microwave and our gas oven. They look to be the original pieces that came with this house. Blah. Homeownership. Let's also tag on mattresses... who knew they went bad?! I read somewhere that after 7 to 8 years a mattress is officially "no good". Well, that seems to be a fitting category for our hunk o' springs. I'm dreaming of a new mattress... or a new back and set of hips. Perhaps the mattress would be easier to replace. :) Especially were it THIS mattress. The camp we stay at a few times during the year has these mattress on their guest beds and
I LOVE THEM. Cushy, soft, surrounds you, type of deal. It's a wee bit out of our range, but, I can pretend!
Speaking of hips.
- I'm in my 21st week of pregnancy already. Had an appointment yesterday and the heartrate was right at 157, the lowest we've ever heard. Any guesses on gender? My husband is CONVINCED its a third girl. I haven't a clue. Our ultrasound is in two weeks and we are still deciding if we'll find out or not. The pregnancy is going smoothly and besides being tired alllll the time and some weird ligament pain, all is well. My 5 year old has caught onto some of my pregnancy eating habits and is now using them against me. Just today she said, "Mommy, we should go to Jimmy Johns for lunch, I know how much you like it there." BUSTED. And yes we did go and the Vito & cherry coke is always, always, worth it :) Aside from the much desired Vito, I'm all about avocados, oranges and eggs {with the yolks warm and runny}. SALT SALT SALT sounds good to me all the time. This is strange. I still don't have much to show in the way of a baby belly, but I do feel kicks finally and the other night one kick was hard enough to see on the outside. I am so thankful to be carrying this baby and can't believe we are half way done.
-We have another potty trained girl! I got tired of changing poopy 2 1/2 year old diapers so I threw her in big girl panties and we went with it. She caught on immediately and I'm amazed. Why didn't I do this sooner?! She's pretty proud of herself and we are thankful for another "easy" potty training scenario. Tho... any advice on getting her to do #2 is welcome. She is still scared on that one. Bah!
- The house post-Christmas decor is looking a little sad. As I walked through our sitting room this morning I realized, we have got to pull this place together. It's a mad mix of laundry, misc toys, and remaining "christmas" items that need put away. So many plans, so little time...and energy.
- I'm reading some pretty great books right now and love the variety of them.
One of our cell groups is going through this book by Sinclair Ferguson & I'm into it already.
Amazon says this about it:
"'Christian doctrine matters for Christian living.' This is 'one of the most important growth points of the Christian life', writes Sinclair B. Ferguson. From this starting point, The Christian Life expounds such key biblical themes as grace, faith, repentance, new birth and assurance with clarity and contagious enthusiasm. 'Chrisitan doctrines are life-shaping', explains the author, because 'they show us the God we worship'."
I love the depth, but while making it easy to understand. We have some new believers in our group and it's so awesome to hear their take aways and moments of learning. So good!
I also just purchased this little book as it was recommended in another book, "Letters to Pastors Wives" that I'm loving every day!
My heart is more and more sensitive and eager and to show hospitality and the description along with the recommendation sold me! Having new neighbors and being involved as a staff wife at church affords me a lot of opportunities. :)
"Hospitality may well be the best means we have to promote close, brotherly love--especially in churches where people don't know each other beyond Sunday-morning-only greetings.
Hospitality is also an effective tool for evangelism. Showing Christ's love to others in a home environment may be the only means Christians have to reach their neighbors for Christ."
Last, THIS bible. I've always wanted to read through chronologically but never have. Found this super cheap on Amazon and have been so enjoying the break up of readings each morning. :)
It's Wednesday, which means it's student ministries night. Every week I love to see what the Lord is doing with our middle school and high school students - we have seen some incredible things happen and tonight should be no different. Hoping things in your world are going well and you continue to see the Lord working on your heart and changing your life. Have a good one!