The over abundance of our lives has washed over me the last few months...
We went from barely making bill payments on time, wondering what our next meal might be (with a new baby in mind) and not using the heat so we could make other ends meet - to a totally new and different life style. Not saying at all that we are millionaires or really even above normal income families...things are just...different. (wow, weird topic tonight, sorry)
Tonight as I was gathering paperwork, checkbook, bill stubs, etc to get everything in order for tomorrow, "Bill day", it hit me that...WE HAVE A MORTGAGE PAYMENT. (pause) And I don't mean that in an "oops, I forgot...gee whiz its gonna be late now!" way, but a "wow, look at what God has done for us and how overly abundant He has been in providing for us" way.
I am still in complete shock that we own a home, that we have been given a car...a dresser...a tv stand... baby clothes... 2 kitchen tables... etc. I'm amazed at how when I made our prayer list last spring of things we needed and couldn't afford that God knew ALL ALONG the plans He had for us. And while I busily scribbled away, half fretting about not having what we needed, I was being carried along by a God so much BIGGER then my plans or fears or lacking.
It's humbling to open up my green cased checkbook and write this check to the bank. It's humbling to know that my dreams of owning a place where I can welcome people, feed them, love them, warm them... has come true. It's humbling to know that despite my sinful worry or the times I find reason to complain about something broken in this house - that God lets me be here, right now, right here. Always in His love. Always in His will.
I have a mortgage payment tomorrow. Our first one....
Praise be to God!
It's amazing to see God provide...and to see His plan unfolding in our lives. I just was talking to my mom about that yesterday...I never want to take His many blessings for granite. Thanks for sharing some of yours, glory be to Him...from whom all blessings flow!
I needed that post. Thanks :)
That is awesome! Praise God! I just loved your perspective in this post. We've all been there with the worrying before, and you know what? God continues to be so faitful to us - amazing. Thanks for sharing your heart and your blessings!
That so true. I was thinking along those lines, as well, as I was looking at the almost finished remodel. How blessed we are to even be able to do it. Liked the post. Aren't blogs fun? I feel like I can get to know you a little better through it.
Wow! I remember praying for God to give you a place in ministry! Isn't it humbling to be so undeserving yet so blessed! We are so happy for you guys and one of these days we need to run into you! :)
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