Tuesday, April 30, 2013

'Twas the last day in April... next up, May challenge.

Today marks the end of April. Crazy, huh? I don't know about you but I felt like that month FLEW by us. We have been enjoying some wonderfully warm days here and the weather man has now announced we may even see some of that white, cold, stuff again... before the real warm settles in for summer. {boo!}

My one lone tulip opened up today. Last year I had 12 - this year - 1. It's been a cold spring! Poor little tulips. It's like my yard knows I'm eager to move away from it. :) Speaking of...

THE FOR SALE SIGN IS IN THE YARD! I came up from working out in the basement and saw it stuck out there. I just smiled. :) The Lord is good and has a plan. Now we just wait for it in anticipation.

Tomorrow I'm starting a 31 day photo challenge that I found on Pinterest. It looks like this:

I've been playing around with our new camera and I'm excited to try out some new techniques. Listen to me... talking like I know what I'm doing. :) Anywhoo... I'd love for you to join me. I'm not super techy and still learning the ropes even about blogging, but, I might attempt to add a link up thingy for those of you who want to hop on board. My disclaimer is this - I may not get to EVERY single one of the 31 pics. And that's ok with me! But I'd like to try. :) So, who's in? 

Have a wonderful Tuesday! See ya next month {wink, wink}. 

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