Saturday, October 27, 2012

Life is fast. Rewind. Fast forward.

Our family has been incredibly blessed to be surrounded by talented people. One of whom is the gal who takes our family pics, let's call her... Kate. ;) This weekend I'm looking through picture frames and decor and what not trying to figure out what pics to replace and what to keep out. We had family pictures taken for 2012 a few weeks ago and we now have the pics back - and, wow. What a difference a year makes! I love comparing last years to this years and seeing how my babies have changed, how hubs and look the same {or, lighter!}. The length of life has been on my mind so much this week - and it's been a heart warming blessing today to compare pics and think back on how blessed I am. Handsome husband. Beautiful children. Healthy self. Blessed.

Let's rewind to my fam this time last year...

Little ol' Augs, almost 3 year old Ave's. {sigh} Seems like just yesterday!

And this, fast forward to this month, 2012.

Isn't that just crazy! God is so good to give us another year on this earth to enjoy each other. Taking the rest of the day to slow down and just enjoy. Because life is just too fast.


becky said...
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becky said...

You are blessed with a beautiful family!! Time does go so fast!