Monday, January 21, 2013

Happy Homemaker Monday - {{freezing}}

Monday, Monday, Monday... what a love/hate thing I have going on with this day. LOVE the new start to a fresh out of the box week, HATE the messy Monday morning routine {sometimes}. But even in the mess and slight chaos of toys, crumbs, dirty dishes and noise I see the blessings of these days with babies and life. Let's see what this week holds, eh?

The Weather:::
I believe we were at all of 4 degrees this morning. Balmy! ;) Wind chills were in the negative, and I won't complain. 

Right now I am:::
Taking a break. Had a super clingy, whiny, early riser all morning. So, now that both girls are down for naps I'm sipping my house blend Starbucks coffee with eggnog creamer, tinkering on FB and Pinterest and just enjoying some quiet time for a few minutes. Bliss! 

While holding the whiny girl this morning I just kept thinking about how quickly these days are going by. She'll be 2 in May and I'm totally unprepared for another 2 year old. {sniff} I love my babies and it's so difficult to watch them grow up - yet, at the same time... so important. I had a flash forward moment where both girls were teenagers and I was alone in an empty house - def got the emotions running this morning. Cuddled the whiny one a little tighter. 

On my reading pile:::
"The Hole in our Holiness" by Kevin DeYoung. FABULOUS! It's my first book of the year - and it's a great, challenging read. A leeeetle outside my norm reading range - but, loving it! 
The Hole in Our Holiness: Filling the Gap between Gospel Passion and the Pursuit of Godliness
Here's the description - 
"The hole in our holiness is that we don't seem to care much about holiness. Or, at the very least, we don't understand it. And we all have our reasons too: Maybe the pursuit of holiness seems legalistic. Maybe it feels like one more thing to worry about in your already overwhelming life. Maybe the emphasis on effort in the Christian life appears unspiritual. Or maybe you've been trying really hard to be holy and it's just not working! Whatever the case, the problem is clear: too few Christians look like Christ and too many don’t seem all that concerned about it.
This is a book for those of us who are ready to take holiness seriously, ready to be more like Jesus, ready to live in light of the grace that produces godliness. This is a book about God's power to help us grow in personal holiness and to enjoy the process of transformation."

On my TV:::
Ah, so enjoying Downton this season. Just finished episode 3 last night on PBS and I have all sorts of questions and no idea where the season will take the characters. So good! Love a good cliffhanger story! 

Favorite blog post this week:::
When does Human life begin? by Mark Driscoll on the Resurgence website. 
Our society and political leaders need to WAKE UP. Life begins the moment of conception... fact. 

Something fun to share:::
Oh! I'm joining up with Courtney at Women living Well for the "Be my Valentine" Marriage challenge. Join us! Such a great chance to encourage and show love to our hubbys!

On the menu this week:::
It's "survivor" week around here. Using up what we already have in the home. I have lots of canned veggies, noodles and bread. Might get interesting. :) 

On my to do list:::
Wash pans soaking in the sink
Tidy living room and vacuum
Write down list of "needs" for Valentines crafts

What I'm creating:::
The girls and I will be working on Valentines day decor this week! And, Grammy's bday cards :) 

Homemaking tips:::
There is something about a nice smelling home. I try and keep a candle, air freshener, or scentsy melter going most of the day. It's an easy way to bring beauty into my home. :) 

Looking around the house:::
My room is clean! Bed made! Clothes put away! It's a miracle! 
I have the end of a Gold Canyon Moroccan Amber Vanilla candle sitting here...wondering if it will smell good melted in my scentsy? Can you do that?!

From the camera:::
These two :) A pinterest idea to keep the little busy while the bigger did school, ended up entertaining them both for quite a while. Who would have thought that pipe cleaners and a colander could be so much fun?

On my prayer list:::
Our church - continued growth and glory to God! 
Teens struggling.
Husband, today as he works and studies. 

Devotionals, bible verses:::
Today I was in Acts being reminded that the early church was SO passionate - I wanna live like that! 


Unknown said...

Time does sure fly! My littlest will be turning 2 in a little over a month and it is so bittersweet.
They grow up so quickly!
Hope you have a good week!

Amy@My Front Porch said...

Hmmmm...very interested in that book, I've never heard of it (or him) before but I like the premise! We have had lots of conversations of late about the struggle with legalism and the call to holiness. Seems like most believers live at one end of the spectrum or the other.

LOVE that easy activity for the girls! Def going to try that with Soph during preschool this week!

I admire you and your Survivor weeks -- I'm not brave enough to try it as I'm afraid we'd end up either starving or ordering pizza every night! ;)

And oh, Downton! I sincerely hope there is not a raunchy storyline in the future with Thomas and the new footmen. That would be disappointing. But I'm also intrigued by Edith's storyline -- a newsreporter? Very interesting...:)

Happy Monday!

Sandra said...

Oh Downton Abbey. Prepare yourself, because this season was a tough one for me to watch.

Kids do grow up really fast, I feel like mine were just babies and now one is almost 14 and the other is almost 10.

Wishing you all a very good week :)

Angie said...

It's so cold here in Kentucky this morning too. I really dread having to get out!

I'm doing the Valentine Challenge as well. I think it looks like so much fun! Can't wait to hear how you do.

Love the Pinterest idea. I need to pick up some pipe cleaners ASAP. My little one would love that.

Have a good day friend & stay warm!

Jen said...

We hit a balmy zero degrees this morning!! It is so cold out!!

Kids do grow up quickly! We will be graduating our first this spring. I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad.

Great idea with the pipe cleaners!