Sunday, June 24, 2012

Day 3, and some tears.

Today is day 3. We spent a great morning at church followed by lunch and playtime at a friends house. It was lovely to spend the main meal with a family :) It's only three days in and I miss our chaotic, noisy, family dinners around our table. I'm so thankful for our church family who do an excellent job at being "family" to me during these times.

When I pulled up the driveway upon arriving home from the service - I found a gal from church and her soon standing on my back porch. I was surprised! They were holding what looked like presents and gift bags...curious. They brought the gifts inside and this is what I read:
You cannot know how blessed and special I felt in that moment. And still now. :) My 30th birthday week has begun and I'm so thankful for these people who love me and thought of me in such a special way! I get to open a gift a day and I'm giddy about it!

The girls and I are doing "ok" so far. Last night my biggest girl was struggling. She misses daddy so much, bedtime is usually his thing, complete with stories, rocking, etc. Big, fat, alligator tears just came and came - so we talked about daddy, we looked at pictures, and then changed the subject. I'm leaning so hard on the grace of God during those times, especially. I feel inadequate in those moments as a momma. How do I help my baby's breaking heart, when mine is aching too? Bah.

Tomorrow we start our full week. We'll have dinner and playtime at a friends house tomorrow night - and we have a craft and maybe a trip to the splash park for the morning/afternoon. Sounds like a good start to me! Thank you for praying for us and checking on us and loving us! Keep it up! 

1 comment:

Angie said...

I can't imagine how tough it must be. I'm just glad you have so many wonderful people in your life to help and support you. Sounds like you have a great start to the week planned. Hope it's a week full of blessing for you and your girls. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.